Grits | Downtown Fullerton

Sisterhood is a love-hate kinda deal for sure, but most days, I wish I lived closer to my sisters. We did everything together growing up, for better or worse. One of the perks of living in different cities though is that we end up eating in these halfway places that I wouldn’t really go out of my way to visit otherwise. The hunt for the world’s best brunch continues! This time in Fullerton.


Coffee first. The wait wasn’t crazy, but I’m usually early and the sister is almost always late. So I need the caffeine to entertain me. First thing she does when she shows up late too? Steal my coffee. Sisters, amiright?


Bone Marrow with Cornmeal Waffles served with jam and thin apple slices in a pool of savory bone broth.


Steak + Chimichurri, homestyle potatoes with a poached egg and an aioli. 


Maple Bacon Pancake Balls. There used to be one on the menu with a fish sauce based syrup that I think would have been way more interesting to try.


Full disclaimer, it’s been a while since we went here. Maybe even a full year ago. (Thank my brief distraction from food blogging for that delay lol).

But if time’s done anything, it’s definitely cemented the fact that the Grits menu wasn’t all that memorable. Solid brunch food, but I found all the flavors to be somewhat underwhelming. Food should always pack a punch in my book. Everything was quite mild. While the idea of waffles in a bone marrow broth sounds fun, it really just means soggy waffles.

Grits is a cool, desert-y themed brunch place out in a random lot just off the main street running through downtown Fullerton. Not my favorite though. If you never make it out there, you’re not really missing out. In fact, I just recently looked it up and it seems the location is closed. No tears here.

Have better Southern California brunch spots? Let me at ’em!

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